IT Company Long Island

Approximately 30,000 websites are compromised every single day. You wouldn't want your company to be one of them. One should always be highly alert because new malware and threats appear daily.

You can stop a security assault from happening to your servers by hiring a professional IT Support Company on Long Island, New York. In addition, owners of servers can benefit from B&L PC Solutions, Inc.'s assistance in defending against various vulnerabilities.

See how our server security services can benefit you!

You can concentrate on your primary operations without worrying about server problems. Here, we'll look at our crucial security duties to give servers a 360-degree, all-encompassing level of protection.

1. Network Safety

For attackers, the network is a simple access point. So the first thing we do when you outsource our IT Support on Long Island, New York, is secure the server network by preventing unauthorized external network access to undesirable ports.

By separating private data from the public network, we create network systems. We fortify the network against significant attacks by changing the network parameters. We routinely monitor network traffic and stop threatening IPs and port scan attempts. We restrict the direct access to back-end servers using techniques like firewalls and other security measures.

We also execute other security activities to prevent attacks, including preventing spoof and malicious connections, rate-limiting ping packets, blocking blacklisted IPs, and so forth.

File Transfer Protocol

Use of File Transfer Protocol Secure is essential to send and receive files from a server without risk of data compromise or theft from hackers (FTPS). Both your authentication data and data files are encrypted.

The user can encrypt both the command and the data channel used by FTPS. However, keep in mind that it only offers file protection during transfer. The information is no longer encrypted once it reaches the server. Therefore, before delivering the files, they should be encrypted to offer an additional layer of security.

Data Server Hardening

Database forms a critical part of the server as it stores vital information. Therefore, our IT Services Company on Long Island, New York, tweaks the database server to enable it to withstand information disclosure attacks.

Restricting user privileges and securely storing databases and backups play a vital role in database server security. Implementing solid passwords and banning users are other essential aspects.

Upgrade Software

A server's software must be updated frequently to stay secure from hackers. The vulnerabilities are easily known in outdated software, enabling hackers to exploit your system. Keeping everything current ensures it is updated to defend itself in the first line of defense.

Ensure that the server control panel is periodically updated. If you utilize a content management system, you should also keep current with any plugins it could have. Security updates are included with every new version to address existing security flaws.


Even while it's true that hackers are becoming more skilled at finding ways to access your server, by putting the server security best practices above into effect, we can make sure that our servers are appropriately protected.

The server's initial setup should include many security precautions, while ongoing or recurring maintenance should include others. Ensure that you plan and carry out scheduled security assessments if your server monitoring needs to be automa

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